What is the first thing you do while setting up your computer?

Is it installing the free antivirus or Internet security software? I guess yes, this is the first thing a person who is concerned about security will do.

But do you really think that these software are really free of cost?

AVG, a Czech Republic based antivirus company has publically announced its privacy policy and clearly saying in that they will collect the users’ information and sell it to the advertiser companies for the purpose of making money.

This new privacy policy will come into the effect from October 15. The company says that “They will sell the users’ non-personal data” to the third party so that they could make money and keep the service free for the users.

What They Call Non-personal

Now have a look at the information they call it non-personal. List is longer than the list that it was before. In its pervious privacy policy the company was only allowed to collect the Data on “the word you search” and the information about any malware on the users’ system.

But now they will be allowed to collect the following users’ data:

  1. Browsing History,
  2. Meta-data,
  3. Advertising Id associated with your device,
  4. Search history,
  5. Internet service provider (ISP),
  6. Or Mobile Network by which you connect to AVG software,
  7. Info about other apps you have on your device.

AVG while announcing its new privacy policy mentioned that they will not sell any personal information of the user, this personal data includes name, email address, residential address, and credit card details. But the issue is these data sometimes leak in browsing history.

On this point they said ‘they will filter the users’ data before selling it to any third party’.

You can read the full privacy policy on the blog and decide yourself if you want to continue with their service or not?

And lets us know what you decided in the comments.

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