How has open source changed the way students learn new technology

Open-Source Software (OSS):                                                   is computer...
Exception Handling

Class and Objects using Python

Python Class: Python is a pure Object Oriented Programming language because in Python even data members like "a"  are treated as a object ,while all variables are references of their classes...
Format string exploits

Format string exploits

Format string exploits became public in late 2000. It is easy to find errors in format string in comparison of buffer overflows. Once errors are spotted, they are usually...
c program Machine code

How to use Debugger tool objdump in Linux

Debugger Tool Objdump in Linux Debugger Tool objdump: C feel more familiar and C compiler exist in every operating system .Basically Linux is a free operating system that every has...
Basic Linux exploits: Function Calling Procedure

Basic Linux exploits: Function Calling Procedure

Note: Hacking is not a joke so please keep patience and learn it step by step. Note: Before reading this post you must read : Learn hacking...

C-Programming Statements: continue and goto statements

Lets continue with the statements .... Continue statement Continue statement leads to the end of the current iteration and leads to the new iteration. It allows the compiler to reach the...
Python Modules

Creating Python Modules: Easy way

Creating Python Modules: with Simple Steps     In Python we look at modules ,Module are very simply to put and Module is allows to better organizing the code or pretty much...
python Data types

Java Exceptional Handling

******************************Exceptional Handling****************************** Hello friends, today we learn about the concept of Java  EXCEPTIONAL HANDLING or ERROR HANDLING. When any code is written then there is always a chance of arising...

Learning Python

Learning Python ch-1 Introduction to python: what is programming language?? First off all we have to know what is programming language?? Programming language is a procedure for writing symbols to specify a given...
C Operators

Operators in C /C++ programming & Their Use

An Operator is a  symbol that tells compiler to perform certain mathematical or logical operations. Operators are usually same in all programming language like c/c++ , java , python etc. Built-in...

How to solve LASTDIG problem in SPOJ ?

Last digit problem in SPOJ looks simple but it contains a important concept of Modular exponentiation. If want AC in submission then you have to know about this concept ,to...
Use Pointers in c / C pointers

C pointers and their use

C Pointers : Use of Pointers in C with simple Steps C Pointers  are the most difficult feature of C for beginners .Other languages have Pointers  but only few use them...
python variables and data types

Python Variable and Data types

Python Variable and Data types: In python  variable and data types are very interesting, how variable and objects work.In this chapter we will discuss how  variable and object are work together...
Bacic Exploits : Stack Operations

Basic Exploits : Stack Operations

Note: Hacking is not a joke so please keep patience and learn it step by step. Stack Operations First and the most important topic to learn the basics of Exploits is...
how to make first c++ program !!!

My first c++ program

Hello friends, today I am gonna tell you how to make first c++ program !!! Before start learning  first c++ program?? Make sure you should have  install either gcc or visual studio ....
strings and their use in c

Strings:Strings and their use in C programming

Strings are the set of character stored in a character array likewise we store group of integers in int array. Strings are one of the most important and wide...

Latest tech trends (Internet of Things -IoT , mobile app development , cloud/distributed computing)

  The Internet of Things? The Internet of things, also known as the Internet of objects, refers to the networked interconnection of everyday objects. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is emerging...

Function In C/C++ Programming

Functions as the name suggest "to do some task " . Similarly  in c/c++ ,functions are group of some codes that together performs a certain task. Every C/C++ program...
Program to find prime numbers from a set of numbers

Program to find prime numbers from a set of numbers

Write a program to find whether the number is prime or not ?? WAP/ Algorithm or Sudo code to find weather a number is prime or not is the most...

Reverse String in c++ using sstream

One of  good question can be asked about string is How to Reverse String ?  You can do in many ways but I am going to show you , the...


Now lets continue from where we left off our topic "function ". In this post we are going to discuss about types of functions . TYPES OF FUNCTIONS  Now there are...
if-else decision control


SELECTION STATEMENT: IF-ELSE STATEMENT The if keyword is used to execute the statements/ block of statements . If the condition is true then those statements will be executed else the...
Next step towards exploit : finding the return address

Next step towards exploit : finding the return address

Hey friends , I think it's the time to take next step towards exploit after reading our all previous posts . In this tutorial you will learn about :...
Ruby Variables: Defining And Using Ruby Variables

Ruby Variables: Defining And Using Ruby Variables

Prerequisites Learn Previous Tutorial : Ruby Tutorial : Step By Step Learning Ruby Programming Language As I wrote in my previous tutorial, it is easy to start with Ruby Programming. It...


Lets continue with the statements ....... SELECTION STATEMENT:SWITCH STATEMENT These are similar to multiple if -else statement but its more easy to understand and it doesnot create any confusion for the...
2-D array of character

More In Arrays:2-D Array of Character,Array of Pointers to String,mallaoc and their Uses

2-D Array Of Characters These are similar to the 2-D array of integers For EX:- In arr ,2 are the number of rows and 3 defines the size of each...