The mastermind of SilkRoad, Ross Ulbricht has sent his first note from prison., a website dedicated to Ulbricht’s  case and fundraising for legal cost posted a handwritten letter on its website. Ross Ulbricht write that he is an “eternal optimist and never give up hope for my release”. In this post we will discuss what was the matter and what is silkroad.

Convicted Silk Road Owner, Ross Ulbricht First Letter From Prison

You can read Ross Ulbricht first letter from below image where he write that he is an  “eternal optimist”.

What is silkroad?

Silk Road was an online black market, best known as a platform for selling illegal drugs. As part of the Dark Web, it was operated as a Tor hidden service, such that online users were able to browse it anonymously and securely without potential traffic monitoring.

Who is Ross Ulbricht??

Friends of Ross Ulbricht defined him in this video

You can know more about him on .

SEE ALSO:ProxyHam : Anonymously Access Wi-Fi from 2.5-Miles Away

What was the case and matter ?

Ross Ulbricht was convicted on February 4, 2015 , based on the accusation that he created and operated the anonymous online marketplace Silk Road, under the pseudonym Dread Pirate Roberts (DPR). The government cites no victims for any of these alleged crimes or their other allegations.

So here the question is, are you with or against Ross Ulbricht ??

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