In this article we will show how to install Honeypot in Kali Linux. The Pentbox is Security suite that can be use for penetration testing to perform various operations. The Pentbox kit contains various tools to perform activities including cracking hashes, stress testing, DNS enumeration and other. Pentbox is written in ruby, and it supports Linux, Mac OS X and Windows platform, it will take few steps to compete Honeypot installation.

Download Pentbox:

You can download Pentbox by using following command:

root@kali:~# wget

Extract pentbox-1.8.tar.gz by using command below:

root@kali:~# tar -zxvf pentbox-1.8.tar.gz

Goto the following folder, Run Pentbox ruby script as shown below:

root@kali:~# cd pentbox-1.8/
root@kali:~# ./pentbox.rb

Multiple options are available in Pentbox:

See also: Password crack using Hydra

  • Cryptography Tool :

Currently includes

  1. Base64 Encoder 7 Decoder
  2. Multi-Digest
  3. Hash Password Cracker
  4. secure Password Generator
  • Network Tools:

  1. Net Dos Tester.
  2. TCP Port Scanner
  3. Honetpot
  4. Fuzzer
  5. DNS and Host Gathering
  6. MAC Address Geo-location
  • Web Tool:

It contains tool for web reconnaissance ( Directory Brute force and directory discovery exists  in web server)

  • IP Grabber

  • Geolocation IP

  • Mass Attack

Setup Honeypot:

  • Honeypot is on Network Tools (Open 2)
  • Select Honeypot option.
  • Select Fast Auto Configuration (Option 1)

Browse your local IP

like You will see access denied error, and in the terminal you should see “HONEYPOT ACTIVATED ON PORT 80 INTRUSION ATTEMPT DETECTED”.

If you want to use Manual Configuration Select Option 2

Insert port to Open

-> 8444

Insert false message to show.

-> Random Port Test

Save a lolgo with intrusions?

(y/n) -> n

Activate beep() sound when intrusion?

(y/n) -> n

In Manual setup the address looking like (local_ip_address:port) You will see access denied error, and in the terminal you should see “HONEYPOT ACTIVATED ON PORT 80 INTRUSION ATTEMPT DETECTED”.

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