Pr-request for Ruby on Rails tutorials

  1. Install linux Operating-System from here .
  2. Install RVM , Ruby and Rails from here.
  3. Go through our previous tutorial introduction to rails.

In my previous post I discussed about Rails framework and now we will start from basics of rails. In these series of ruby on rails tutorials, we will make a dynamic web project, we will discuss about that in our future posts. We will also post video tutorial with it for your convenience. Let’s start from creating new project in Ruby on Rails. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open your terminal by using
  2. Now make new directory/ folder
    mkdir work
  3. Enter this command to make new rails project
    rails new Buffercode -d mysql

    Here Buffercode is your project name, and make sure you have Internet connection at that time. rails will install some gem files.
    Rails uses sqlite as default database, you can change it later or use -d mysql as option as in above command rails new Buffercode -d mysql

  4. change your directory using cd command
    cd Buffercode
  5. Now Enter below command to install missing gems
    bundler or
    bundle install
  6. And now finally run your server using command below
    rails server or
    rails s
  7. Now just check it by open your browser and type localhost:3000 , a screen will be open as shown in below image.
    Ruby On Rails Tutorial :  Creating new project

Explore what we did by using these simple commands

Open your work directory and you will find a new directory named Buffercode<your project name>. When you will open the directory Buffercode, you will find some new directories and files. You can check it from below image .
Ruby On Rails Tutorial :  Creating new project

When you will open its first folder named as app, you will find some new folders including controllers, models and views , which shouts that rails is a MVC framework as we told you in our previous tutorial .
Rails accepts incoming requests from a browser, decodes the request to find a controller from controllers and calls an action method in that controller.
The controller then invokes a particular view from views folder to display the result to the user using models which take care of database. Rails takes care of most of the internal plumbing that links all these actions.

Models View               Controller Route
Deals with data Uses for front-end views Control the actions(uses to write business logics) Connect view and controller

Have something to add or still stuck somewhere ?? share it in comments .

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  1. I follow the instuction here, but when I run
    $ rails server

    it says there is no database buffercode_development.
    I think before run
    $ rails server

    run :
    $ bundle exec rake db:create

    to make sure the database is being created by rails.

    and voila, the app is ready at localhost:3000

  2. It was my first attempt to Ruby on Rails and under the guidance from Sir Sharma and Vipin, I am able to get this tutorial done. Greatly and deeply appreciate the effort and time spent on guiding me on how to from the beginning until I am able to solve the problem occurred. Again I would like to thanks Buffercode team for making this tutorial and awesome people like Sir Sharma and Vipin to make this happen! Keep it up!

  3. Regarding this tutorial “Ruby On Rails Tutorials : Creating new project in Rails”
    This site and the team who are actually running it are soooo much co-operative, they have guided me from first step till i get the solution. very very very impressive Thank you Sir Sharma 🙂
    The best people (Y)

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