Box and IBM announced Cloud partnership to integrate their technologies and to commingle their cloud products. From now Box’s users will able to store their data on IBM’s Cloud which will have approx 46 Data Centers around the world.

In our Previous Post we told you about 10 best cloud storage services of 2015 , Box is one of them.

BOX: The Secure Content Platform

BOX is an another Brilliant Business focus cloud storage service solution.Box offers 10GB free space for any new account but it is lower than Google Drive and MS OneDrive, but in Box, file size limits up to 250MB but many of the documents are not larger than 250 MB expected videos. BOX will come with all major platform mobiles,tablets and laptops. It provides 256-bit AES encryption with SSL for data transmission and security purposes,but like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive a Two-Step verification is missing so it is a little bit disadvantage from BOX ,upgrading the personal plan cost will be charged $6/month for 100GB free space. BOX provides functionality which allows to link Office directly to BOX. Above all, the Box offer solid, fast and 10GB storage space with great functionality.

Facets of Deal

The deal has number of aspects, it includes the content management technology, the application of IBM data tools to information stored by Box, use of IBM security tech by Box, and a set of promised mobile applications building on the tech of both firms.

As we now Box is still creating, it’s far younger from IBM. This time Box just linked up with a company which is worth 80 times of its own value. Box now has access to technologies and data centers of IBM that is why now there is no need to build its own.

Before IBM , Box have a partnership with Microsoft to use their product (Microsoft Office) so that its user can preview their docs .

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