Facebook comes with motto Internet for all

Before one year facebook’s founder mark zukerberg saw a dream to make world more open and connected means everyone in world can access services of internet at free of cost. Now mark dream came true as facebook launched internet.org Application In india. Internet.org come with set of website that are accessible at free of cost this service is launched in seven different circle named Mumbai, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Chennai, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Internet.org expected to launch in other state of india soon. This is good news for those people who have’t access internet before because of high cost internet. Mark decided to provide basic service of internet to everyone the basic motto of internet.org is Internet For All
if internet is available for all then this can also leads to expend the user of facebook this also a bullet point behind this launch of facebook.
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Facebook comes with motto Internet For All henceFacebook and Reliance Communication Both decided to provide the free internet to everyone by internet.org this service is first provided to India in Asia but India is not first country to receive services of internet.org but there are other countries that are already using this service of internet.org provided by facebook far behind these countries are Colombia, Zambia, Kenya and Tanzania. Services provided by Internet.org are available in English and six local indian languages Hindi, Telugu,Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, and Marathi and they can be accessed by using Android application of Internet.org, from the start screen of UC Browser and Opera Mini Browser application available on Google play store.
This step to provide free internet can help to connect person of economical weaker section and make world more open and connected. Initially Internet.org provide set of 38 website and services free of cost that have e-commerce, health, tips and trick, Social networking( Facebook ), Massanger, News, Dictionary, Shopping and other basic sites are included.
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