Note: I will start tutorials on rails with real-time dynamic web application depends on response of users. If you want this please mention in comments, so that I can start as soon as possible.
What is Ruby On Rails ?
Ruby on Rails is a framework that makes it easier to develop, deploy and maintain web applications.
Why Rails?
Here the next and one of the most important as well as genuine question is why Rails ? So here is the answer of your question.
Rails make our job easier. But easy on its own doesn’t cut it. We are talking about professional development writing , real-world websites.
They wanted to feel that the application they were developing would stand the test of time that they were designed and implemented using modern, professional techniques. So these developers dug into rails and discovered it.
All applications are implementing using MVC(Model View Control). Now a days most of the developers like to use MVC either they are .NET or Java Developers. Model–view–controller (MVC) is a software architectural pattern for implementing user interfaces. It divides a given software application into three interconnected parts, so as to separate internal representations of information from the ways that information is presented to or accepted from the user.
Java developers are used to frameworks such as Tapestry and Struts, which are based on MVC.
But Rails takes MVC further : when you develop in rails, you start working with application, there is a place for each piece of code, and all the piece of your application interact in a standard way.
Rails applications have testing support
Here is one more reason for why Rails ? Professional programmers write tests, again rails delivers. All Rails applications have testing support baked right in. As you add functionality. The framework makes it easy to test applications, and as a result. Rails applications tend to get tested.
Applications are written in Ruby: A genuine object-oriented scripting language
Oh!! I think we have one more reason for why Rails ? 😉 Rails applications are written in Ruby, a modern , object-oriented language. Ruby is a genuine Object-Oriented-Language. Now the obvious question is why I said this? The reason is:
Everything you manipulate in Ruby is an object, and the results of those manipulation are themselves objects.
Ruby is concise without being unintelligibly terse you can express ideas naturally and clearly in Ruby code. This leads programs that are easy to read months or years later. Later we will talk about Ruby.
Rails takes Ruby to the limit, extending it in novel ways that make a programmer’s life easier. This makes our program shorter and more readable.
It also allows us to perform tasks that would normally be done in external config. file inside the codebase instead.
There are two philosophical underpinning for Rails that are DRY and Convention over Configuration.
DRY : It simply says, Don’t repeat yourself .
Convention Over Configuration: It means that Rails has sensible defaults for just about every aspect of knitting together your application.
Rails is all about individuals and interactions. There are no heavy toolsets, no complex configurations, and no elaborate processes.
Don’t forget to comment about starting of tutorials!!!
Here you can find step by step procedure to install RVM, Ruby and Rails.
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