The most popular Kali Linux was released on 2015 at DefCon 23 in Las Vegas. Kali is successor of Backtrack based on Debian Jessie,distribution, includes many popular penetration testing applications. The latest Kali 2.0 based on latest 4.0 kernel , codename Sana redesigned for streamline work experience using Gnome interface. Kali Linux supports many architecture like i386, amd64, ARM and come in different variant full version (include popular penetration testing applications), light version (no testing tool) and mini version (no tool, no GUI).

Kali linux Rolling release

Kali is one of the favorite operating system for hacker’s, due to its incredibly powerful tool s for penetration testing, including Aircrack, Armitage, Nmap, Wireshark, Burp Suit.

On 21 January 2016, the first public of Kali Linux rolling distribution released by Offensive security. firstly it was only available via upgrade from kali version 2.0 to kali-rolling. with some big improvements to make things easier.

Kali-Rolling release is a Linux distribution that is constantly update with the latest patches and features.

Kali Linux Rolling release New Features/Change

Kali Linux Rolling Continuously Updated with  latest app :

Get latest stable update into Kali repos in 24-148 hours.

New Package Tracker :

New Package tracker a powerful tool that allow you to follow the evolution of kali linux, The tracker help to identify which version is being currently use in linux.

Kali Linux Rolling Package tracker

Vmware Guest Tools

The big change, how to install Vmware Guest Tool. The new release suggests using distribution-specific open-vm-tools  instead of the VMware Tools package for guest machines.

See Also : Important Things to do after install Kali Linux

How to update Kali Linux 2.0 to Kali Linux Rolling Edition ?

Either add kali repos in source list or you can Download it from Official Kali website.

To add in sources.list type below commands and then use apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade kali.

cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list
deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade # get a coffee, or 10.

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