Memory management in C Programming

Memory management in C Programming:Computer Memory

Memory management in C is one of the important topic as it's not only about memory management in c but also about Computer Memory Management. In this section you...
ROR Tutorial : Rails with Mysql Configuration

ROR Tutorial : Rails with Mysql Configuration

Many of our users get error in establishing connection with mysql or some other configuration for mysql, so I decided to make this tutorial for Rails with Mysql Configuration. Off-course...
Program to Implement Stacks using structure in C/C++ Programming

Program to Implement Stacks using structures in C/C++ Programming

In previous post Stacks in programming and Basic Exploits : Stack Operations, we explained the functioning of stacks. Later our users ask for its code in C Programming. In...

HOw To Use Multiple Catch And Finally Blocks in Java

MULTIPLE CATCH BLOCK AND FINALLY BLOCKS IN JAVA Multiple Catch: Hello Friends, Today we learn about the concept of multiple catch block.T he concept of Multiple Catch And Finally Blocks is use...
python Data types

Java Exceptional Handling

******************************Exceptional Handling****************************** Hello friends, today we learn about the concept of Java  EXCEPTIONAL HANDLING or ERROR HANDLING. When any code is written then there is always a chance of arising...
readbyte from files

Reading Bytes From File Using Java

Hello friends Today We discuss the concept of reading bytes from  file  using java codes. The reading bytes from file using java is done by using FileInputStream which make...
c data types

Getting Started:C Data Types and Constants

At primary stage C data types are divided into 3 categories : integer ,character and real. Let us explore these data types. // Integer : It's simple to understand that...
Why Rails ? An Introduction to my favorite framework

Why Rails ? An Introduction to my favorite framework

Note: I will start tutorials on rails with real-time dynamic web application depends on response of users. If you want this please mention in comments, so that I can...
Use Pointers in c / C pointers

C pointers and their use

C Pointers : Use of Pointers in C with simple Steps C Pointers  are the most difficult feature of C for beginners .Other languages have Pointers  but only few use them...
Programming with files in C: Counting Character,Tabs, Spaces from files and writing on files

C Programming with files : Counting Character,Tabs, Spaces from files and writing on files

C Programming with files  ( Reading and playing with characters of file) After reading our previous post, you are now ready to play with C Programming with files . Let's start...
metasploit Unleashed

Explore into the Metasploit ( a Ultimate Hackers Tool)

  Metasploit is a complete and a Ultimate Security tool that provides information about Computer Security Vulnerabilities and also use in penetration testing .It was develop by HD Moore in...
python variables and data types

Python Variable and Data types

Python Variable and Data types: In python  variable and data types are very interesting, how variable and objects work.In this chapter we will discuss how  variable and object are work together...
code for Using Namespace in C++

Using Namespace in C++

Before you start you must see our previous post My first C++ program Start Learning about Namespace: In c++ , when a variable function or class is used in a  particular scope...
Exploit Shell code using Command-line

Exploit using shell code from command line

After reading our previous post:Exploiting buffer overflows using command line it's time to do Exploit Shell code using Command-line but I think you do want to clear your doubt...
how to make first c++ program !!!

My first c++ program

Hello friends, today I am gonna tell you how to make first c++ program !!! Before start learning  first c++ program?? Make sure you should have  install either gcc or visual studio ....

How to use file input/output

File Input/Output  Why we need file input/output programming? As we know it is not enough to just display the data on screen because if data is large  ,only a limited amount...

C First Program

Let’s start our C First Program through telling you basics about C language. Each and every coding line has its meaning and significance this tutorial will tell you about...
Building C/C++ code on the Command Line ( Visual Studio / GNU GCC ) for windows

Building C/C++ code on the Command Line using Visual Studio for windows

If you read our previous post ie., Best C / C++ Compiler : Compilation using gcc , it means now you are in love with C-programming. Well today we are...
Ruby Variables: Defining And Using Ruby Variables

Ruby Variables: Defining And Using Ruby Variables

Prerequisites Learn Previous Tutorial : Ruby Tutorial : Step By Step Learning Ruby Programming Language As I wrote in my previous tutorial, it is easy to start with Ruby Programming. It...
readbyte from files

File Handling in java

File Handling in java programming:   File handling in java or in any programming language is a very  important concept. In java File handling in java is done by input and output stream these Input...

Structures In C

Why we use Structures In C ? When we deal with real world data ,we don't usually deal with only int,char,float.. Instead of this we deal with real world entities...
Basic Linux exploits: Function Calling Procedure

Basic Linux exploits: Function Calling Procedure

Note: Hacking is not a joke so please keep patience and learn it step by step. Note: Before reading this post you must read : Learn hacking...
get into friends whatsapp

How to get into friends whatsapp and send messages

I don't know that how to Express this success !!! Everybody knows that hacking is just a creativity and finding the way to get deeper into the code. So...
Sound-Fix in Kali

Important things to do after installing Kali Linux

There are small set of important softwares that are required after installation of Kali Linux. Linux operating system is not too much user friendly but it is highly flexible...
best compiler for c / c++

Basic Linux Exploits:Make your Pc more secure

Basic Linux Exploits:Make your Pc more secure and learn the basics of computer world Why study Exploits? Before learning exploits ,one should know about vulnerability.What does it means in the world...
Python Modules

Creating Python Modules: Easy way

Creating Python Modules: with Simple Steps     In Python we look at modules ,Module are very simply to put and Module is allows to better organizing the code or pretty much...