C-Programming Statements: continue and goto statements

Lets continue with the statements .... Continue statement Continue statement leads to the end of the current iteration and leads to the new iteration. It allows the compiler to reach the...

Statements-2(nested if-else and break statements)

Let's continue the statements ......... NESTED IF-ELSE Here under an if statement we can use many more if statements SYNTAX: if(condition )//start of 1st if   {-------------     if (condition )     //start of 2nd...
if-else decision control


SELECTION STATEMENT: IF-ELSE STATEMENT The if keyword is used to execute the statements/ block of statements . If the condition is true then those statements will be executed else the...
Python Modules

Creating Python Modules: Easy way

Creating Python Modules: with Simple Steps     In Python we look at modules ,Module are very simply to put and Module is allows to better organizing the code or pretty much...
The Loop Control structure

Types of Loop Control structure C++

Types of Loop Control structure C++ Loops are basically certain conditions that repeats certain steps until the condition becomes false , i.e a loop will continue to go on until...
C Operators

Operators in C /C++ programming & Their Use

An Operator is a  symbol that tells compiler to perform certain mathematical or logical operations. Operators are usually same in all programming language like c/c++ , java , python etc. Built-in...
Hello friends today we learn to make Java First Applet Program or the concept of applet programming. Applet are small program that run in web browser

Java First Applet Program

Java Applets Hello friends today we learn to make Java First Applet Program or the concept of applet programming. Applet are small program that run in web browser or applet are...

How to write c++ comments

What are comments in c++?? Comments are generally those line which will not compile and use for remember the aim/purpose of code. Why to write comments?? Comments written in any programming language...
Custom Exception In Java

Creating Custom Exception – Java

Create Custom Exception In Java Friends today we are discussing about the concept of creating custom exception in java programming. Exceptions are undesirable interrupt which are come in between the...

HOw To Use Multiple Catch And Finally Blocks in Java

MULTIPLE CATCH BLOCK AND FINALLY BLOCKS IN JAVA Multiple Catch: Hello Friends, Today we learn about the concept of multiple catch block.T he concept of Multiple Catch And Finally Blocks is use...

Defining Functions in python

Before you start you must see our previous post My first C++ program Functions : Before learning defining functions you must know what is the meaning of functions in programming languages. What is the meaning...
code for Using Namespace in C++

Using Namespace in C++

Before you start you must see our previous post My first C++ program Start Learning about Namespace: In c++ , when a variable function or class is used in a  particular scope...
while condition in python

Loop and Selection Structure in python

Loop and Selection Structure :   If Statement : If statement is a selection statement .In if statement it will check the condition first the enter it if it is true .In...
how to make first c++ program !!!

My first c++ program

Hello friends, today I am gonna tell you how to make first c++ program !!! Before start learning  first c++ program?? Make sure you should have  install either gcc or visual studio ....
python Data types

Java Exceptional Handling

******************************Exceptional Handling****************************** Hello friends, today we learn about the concept of Java  EXCEPTIONAL HANDLING or ERROR HANDLING. When any code is written then there is always a chance of arising...

Python Data types Tuples ,Sets, Dictionaries

Data types Tuples ,Sets, Dictionaries : In python data types  sets ,Dictionaries and Tuples are easy to implement and and many of predefined function and modules are support them. hello friend...

Exceptional Handling In Java

******************************Exceptional Handling***************** ************* Hello friends, today we talk about the concept of EXCEPTIONAL HANDLING or ERROR HANDLING. When any code is written then there is always a chance of arising...
Console input output

Reading Console Input or Output Using Java Code

Hello Fiends Today we learn about the concept of handling console input or output by using java code. Here we refer console to command prompt (cmd) . Friend we can...
python variables and data types

Python Variable and Data types

Python Variable and Data types: In python  variable and data types are very interesting, how variable and objects work.In this chapter we will discuss how  variable and object are work together...
readbyte from files

Reading Bytes From File Using Java

Hello friends Today We discuss the concept of reading bytes from  file  using java codes. The reading bytes from file using java is done by using FileInputStream which make...

Learning Python

Learning Python ch-1 Introduction to python: what is programming language?? First off all we have to know what is programming language?? Programming language is a procedure for writing symbols to specify a given...
readbyte from files

File Handling in java

File Handling in java programming:   File handling in java or in any programming language is a very  important concept. In java File handling in java is done by input and output stream these Input...
Exception Handling

Class and Objects using Python

Python Class: Python is a pure Object Oriented Programming language because in Python even data members like "a"  are treated as a object ,while all variables are references of their classes...

How to use file input/output

File Input/Output  Why we need file input/output programming? As we know it is not enough to just display the data on screen because if data is large  ,only a limited amount...
Use Pointers in c / C pointers

C pointers and their use

C Pointers : Use of Pointers in C with simple Steps C Pointers  are the most difficult feature of C for beginners .Other languages have Pointers  but only few use them...